
Monday, February 25, 2013

Throw misery under the bus.

I knew someone, once, who was so good at manipulating her coworkers that few realized she was always blaming everyone else, requiring her coworkers to feel sorry for her.  It took a very close relationship with her before I realized I was being played.  She had all of us repeating her sad story.  She was very funny and couched many of the episodes in humor, but when I personally saw how she treated those who supposedly were treating her badly, I became disgusted.  My sympathies then went to her family which was on the receiving end of her emotions.  I was a follower of her brainwashing until the light of truth shone on her manipulation.  She isn’t the only one.  I have fallen into many friendships which by reason of deception snookered me.  Those people are no longer part of my life.  I have learned to trust but verify.

These people who are full of sad stories and misery make excuses for their own failings.  They want to drag you into the lies they are telling themselves.  Those who take responsibility for their own lives and mistakes and fight their way out of the slime pit of self-deceit will succeed.  It takes turning your back on procrastination and doing what is unpleasant.  These pity-party people refuse to GET OVER IT!  Personal responsibility brings success.  Pity parties waste everyone’s time and patience.

The next time you are invited to a pity party, refuse to go.  Parties are meant to be fun and there is no fun in misery. 

How many of you have been in a conference or church or training session where you have been told “repeat after me…”  This is brainwashing.  You were the follower of whoever was on stage.  Stop repeating what you are told and find out for yourselves.

In whatever industry you are in, find out for yourself what the real numbers are.  Most of us don’t have the time or resources to read the white papers or pick through the statistics or company financial reports to glean necessary information.  Subscribe to newsletters and blogs which give you the information you need.  You will need to trust, but verify until you weed out the undependable informants.  This is personal responsibility.  Take this proven route and succeed.

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