
Friday, January 18, 2013

Lessons from the humble toothbrush

Lately, I have been reading an autobiography by Booker T.  Washington.  In the fourth chapter of this book he writes:  “In all my teaching I have watched carefully the influence of the tooth-brush, and I am convinced that there are few single agencies of civilization that are more far-reaching.”  I have decided, therefore, to use the lessons we learn from the humble toothbrush and apply them to auctions. 

1.      Anyone can use it.  Auctions are a quick and easy way to buy or sell property. 

2.     Used properly, it saves time and money and frustration.  Auctions happen in three months or less.  That time saved from being on the market saves paying things like next year’s taxes.  If the auction company (such as uses extensive marketing procedures, many more people will see the information and more buyers will be interested. 

3.     It is cheap.  If you have moved, the auction of the property within a short period of time saves double mortgage or rent payments, double property taxes and double HOA fees. 

4.     It is simple, a child can understand it.  Your agent can refer your property to the auction company for quick sale, represent you as a buyer or the auction agent can do the work of aggressively marketing and selling your property.  All you need to do is watch the agent work on your behalf.

5.     It is available anywhere in the United States of America.  By the end of 2013, will be in all 50 states.  In 2014 the company plans to be international.

6.     The holder (of the property/toothbrush) is personally involved.  As the agent markets your property, you get daily updates as to the progress of the marketing.  You no longer sit and wonder what the agent is doing to promote your property. 

7.     It is personal.  The marketing is tailored to your property and you.  There is a marketing fee which is used according to the kind of property being auctioned and the location of the property.

8.     There are 3 kinds.  The Absolute Auction is the most enjoyable since there is no starting price and therefore more buyers are interested.  It also brings a higher price.   The minimum bid is one where all parties know the minimum bid allowed and start there.  The Reserve Auction is the last and most useful for those who have larger mortgages.  The reserve price is unknown to any but the seller, the agent and the bid caller.  

9.     It sets you apart from those who do not use it.  You will be able to stand tall and with pride when your property sells within three months while your former neighbors’ properties languish for months or years with no buyers.


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